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2024-2025 Budget Information


This page is designed to provide Wantagh School District residents with budget information in a transparent manner. The budget that is discussed initially is one that is prepared by district administrators with direction from the Board of Education. However, with Board and community input, the Board of Education formally adopts the final budget to be presented to the voters.

Please check back as the information contained on this webpage will change as the budget development progresses and links become active. 




"Thank you! 2024-2025 School Budget Vote Passed photo

Thank you to everyone in the Wantagh community for passing the 2024-2025 school budget vote.

Your support makes a difference for our students, faculty, and staff. We look forward to working together for their continued success!


2024-2025 School Budge Results:

Budget - 1390 to 445 (Passed)

Proposition #2 Expenditure from Capital Reserve Fund: 1423 to 393 (Passed)

Proposition #3 Establishment of a new Capital Reserve Fund: 1389 to 421 (Passed)

Trustee Anthony Greco Re-elected - 1402




The proposed 2024-25 budget-Version 3, that was adopted by the Board of Education, totals $91,739,560.

This represents a $2,242,014 or a 2.51% change from the prior year. 


The estimated tax levy for 2024-25 to support the expenditure budget above, currently totals $67,051,550.

This represents a $1,776,167 or 2.72% change from the prior year. 

This tax levy amount is within the tax cap.


The calculated maximum allowable tax levy for 2024-25 (the "tax cap") is $1,776,175.

This represents a 2.72% change from the prior year. 


Public Budget Forum #1 – Video / Presentation

Monday, March 11, 2024
7pm - HS South Cafeteria


Public Budget Forum #2 – VideoPresentation

Monday, March 18, 2024
7pm - HS South Cafeteria


Public Budget Forum #3 - Video / Presentation

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
7pm - HS South Cafeteria


Public Budget Forum #4 – Presentation

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
10am - Wantagh Public Library

*Budget Adoption (Regular Board meeting)

Thursday, April 4, 2024
8pm - HS Auditorium – Video

*Budget Hearing (Regular Board meeting)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
8pm - HS Auditorium – Video


Budget Vote and Trustee Election

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
7am – 9pm - All district elementary schools


The ballot will contain multipe propositions, as well as a section for the election of a Trustee to the Board of Education. Details of each proposition are listed below.

  • Residents will be asked to vote on the 2024-2025 budget. Details of the proposed budget can be found on this web page.

  • The district will be asking district residents for consideration to expend funds from a previously created capital reserve and for which funding is currently available. Specifically, the request will be to expend up to $1,200,000 to replace and upgrade the public address, classroom intercom and communication systems in each of the district’s buildings. The actual ballot language is as follows:

     “Shall the Board of Education be authorized pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law to appropriate and expend an amount not to exceed the total estimated cost (including accrued interest) of One Million Two Hundred Thousand ($1,200,000) Dollars from the capital reserve fund established by voters of the School District at the annual meeting held on May 15, 2018, for the following projects: Upgrade and replacement of the public address and classroom intercom and communication systems at Forest Lake Elementary School, Mandalay Elementary School, Wantagh Elementary School, Wantagh Middle School and Wantagh High School.”  


  • The district will be asking for community consideration to establish a new capital reserve fund. The new fund would have a fundng limit of $10,000,000 and can be funded over a period of 15 years. When either the maximum dollars has been reached or time has passed, this fund would be unable to receive any future funding. In addition, all expenditures from the fund would need community approval. Its purpose would be to fund future capital work districtwide. Specifically, the ballot language will read as follows: 

    “Shall the Board of Education of the Wantagh Union Free School District be authorized to establish a capital reserve fund pursuant to Section 3651 of the New York Education Law to be known as the 2024 Capital Reserve Fund for a probable term of fifteen (15) years, with the ultimate principal amount therein to total up to Ten Million ($10,000,000) Dollars, plus interest earnings thereon; whose purpose shall be to fund in whole or in part, safety and security enhancements, districtwide repairs, renovations, additions, and improvements (i.e., capital improvements to the facilities of the District, including, but not limited to, reconstruction and renovation of facilities, roofing, asbestos abatement, heating/ventilation, masonry work, windows, site work and related work), as well as the purchase of passenger vehicles (other than a school bus) having a seating capacity of less than ten persons when purchased to replace a similar vehicle previously in service for three years or more, with such funds to be obtained from budget appropriations and the interest accrued thereon, and unappropriated fund balances made available by the Board of Education.” 

  • Sample Ballot

    A copy of a Sample Ballot will be provided here once the ballot is prepared and finalized. 


All of the revenue, expenditure and tax cap details for the 2024-2025 budget can be found in the sections below. 



Questions about the budget may be addressed to any of the following: