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Elementary Programs

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Elementary Curriculum


Curriculum is ever changing as new research, educators’ experiences and student growth are constantly evolving. Wantagh strongly believes that we must always make the best curricular choices to meet the needs of our diverse learners while encouraging their natural curiosities. We aim to personalize instruction through strong classroom teaching which focuses on small group instruction and utilizing a wide range of data to inform our curriculum. NYS Next Generation Standards provide the roadmap for our curriculum and instructional decisions.

Literacy is taught through a workshop model which includes a mini-lesson, student work time and lesson closure. Work time is differentiated based upon the teaching concepts and skills. Independent, partner, and group work are strategically implemented based upon what students need. Spelling, grammar and vocabulary are embedded in reading and writing units of study to ensure skills are internalized by learners and applied to literacy experiences.

Mathematics is taught similarly and we aim to bring more small group instruction into this area of content district wide. Mathematics is dense with many topics, concepts and skills to explore and solidify. Teachers look for opportunities to make real world connections while teaching mathematics. 

Science is taught with carefully selected hands-on activities in which children are making meaning of phenomena and exploring various hypotheses. Students wonder, imagine, inquire, plan, test, build and discover as they work through various units of study.

Social Studies is taught utilizing projects and activities that are aligned with the New York State Social Studies Framework which emphasizes conceptual understandings while learning the most important content and skills.  


While these disciplines are separate in some respects they are also interconnected. We look to find opportunities for integration which includes project based learning to engage students in the highest levels of thinking and doing. We aim to weave in opportunities for choice and student voice to promote true cognitive engagement, thus high levels of academic achievement.    


Click Below Curriculum Maps


ScienceSocial Studies